
New Canvas

This describes how to put a new canvas (as supplied via on a 2007 Eriba Puck 230GT. It shows a brute force and ignorance way and the right way! Read all the blog before starting. Step 1 - Remove 3 clips at each end of roof Step 2 - Remove plastic insert, remove 24 revealed screws, remove two lower channel pieces making sure you mark them so that they go back the same way or the screwholes may not line up. Step 3 - Untie outer cord, canvas should now be free at the bottom, now for the top channel. (Replace the cord with a new elasticated one when everything else is done. ) Step 4 - As I couldn't see another way, I decided to take out an inch of the inner top channel with a grinder.  Only do this if you can't find the bulge in the top channel described below. Step 5 - Use a screwdriver in the gap created to ease out the top bead in the canvas Step 6 - Cut the bead and the canvas. I suspect there was a gap in the bead somewh